QA automation (QAA) uses ruby/cucumber for automated testing, and the QAA environment provides the 'standard' cucumber structure with features/, features/step_defintions/ for feature files and step definitions. Each top-level project has their own sub-directories so, for example, the mobile-website project uses:
features/mobweb/ features/step_definitions/mobwebwhile the tablet project uses:
features/tablet/ features/step_definitions/tablet/I use vim/tmux for my IDE and depend on vim-cucumber (thanks to Tim Pope for a great plugin) to find relevant step definitions from the feature files. The problem I ran into is that -- because of the multiple project sub-folders -- I was constantly getting the error: "Multiple matching steps found" and thus had to examine each alternative step individually to find the one that related to my project.
This was seriously irritating (not to mention time-consuming) so this weekend I dug into the vim-cucumber code to see what could be done. It turned out to be pretty straight-forward (see my fork of vim-cumber here; I've submitted a pull request and hope it gets merged).
Tim's approach is to first find the top-level cucumber feature file directory (this is in the ftplugin/cucumber.vim file); that could be either features/ or stories/.
let b:cucumber_root = expand('%:p:h:s?.*[\/]\%(features\|stories\)\zs[\/].*??')That is then saved as a globbable name (e.g., features/**/*.rb):
let b:cucumber_steps_glob = b:cucumber_root.'/**/*.rb'and later used to find all the relevant ruby files through the use of vim's glob statement:
for file in split(glob(b:cucumber_steps_glob),"\n")
and then iterate through the list looking for the step you are searching for. Nice stuff.
Of course, with the multi-project directory structure we have, there are many 'duplicate' step definitions: we're all tapping on buttons or checking the status of similar things. Think
When(/^I tap on the "(.*)" button$/) do... Then(/^I should see the "(.*)" button is (enabled|disabled)$/) simple examples).
I now have a working solution with a small footprint on the basic plugin. I looked at different ways of doing this, but then hit upon this solution. Export a glob spec to the shell environment variable CUKEFILES. When setting the glob spec, vim-cucumber looks for the existence of this variable and uses it instead of the default value.
if !exists("b:cucumber_steps_glob") if empty($CUKEFILES) echom "Using default definition for b:cucumber_steps_glob" let b:cucumber_steps_glob = b:cucumber_root.'/**/*.rb' else echom 'Using CUKEFILES environment variable for b:cucumber_steps_glob' let b:cucumber_steps_glob = $CUKEFILES endif endifOnce that's set, everything works just as it did before, except with a more precise set of files. Note the slight difference when using CUKEFILES: it assumes that the environment variable already has the /**/*.rb set, so that you could define multiple directories in your glob spec.
The CUKEFILES setting I'm using is:
export CUKEFILES=./features/step_definitions/mobweb/**/*.rbNow my multiple matches truly indicate duplicate step definitions that I need to examine and probably correct.
Finding a working glob statement was it's own challenge. I wanted to have the option of including more than one directory in the glob spec by using the "|" separator but that's another story