The key difference for me was that the PostgreSQL superuser is called 'postgres', not 'root' as in MySQL. Prior to digging out this piece of information, everything I tried got the following error:
createdb: could not connect to database postgres: FATAL: role "jseidel" does not exist
The other thing that was a minor roadblock was getting out of psql (PostgreSQL's interactive SQL command program). The usual MySQL/bash suspects (quit; exit; bye; {Ctrl-C}) didn't work. With psql you either type "\q" or {ctrl-D} and you're out.
Finally, since I'm using MacPorts, the location of the PostgreSQL files are different than documented in the PostgreSQL guide: my files are rooted off /opt/local/lib/postgresql84 instead of /usr/local/pgsql as is indicated in that guide.
Now I'm able to create my database and see if it connects with Rails...
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